Lullaby : Foto Dadakan

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I'm short girl who has short hair and glasses. I'm fourteen going on fifteen years old. I live at small city in Indonesia. I love reading, eating, and ice cream. Leave a greeting in my chat box. Simple, unique, and weird.

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Aku di tag sama kakakku. Kata kakaku wajahku aneh, tapi menurutku enggak tuh. Tapi menurutku wajah kakakku yang aneh. Sorry ya... kalau fotonya jelek! Soalnya aku baru pulang dari les, jadi masih berantakan terus langsung di tarik suruh foto jadinya jelek deh...

1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take your picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.

2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing 4. Post this instruction with your picture 5. Tag at least 10 people to do this

Karena aku blom punya temen sesama blogger, jadi nggak ada yang aku tag. Semua yang mampir boleh ambil tag ini kalau mau. (Yang motoin itu Mbakku)
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